How to prepare beef Jerky

How to prepare beef Jerky

 How to prepare beef Jerky


3 avoirdupois unit beefsteak, as lean as attainable
3 cloves Garlic, minced or ironed
1 cup Raw Coconut Aminos
1 tsp Black Pepper
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp smoke-cured Paprika
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp jalapeno Powder


Partially freeze meat for 2-4 hours, till principally solid.
Slice meat into 1/10th in. thickness strips.
Mix the coconut aminos with minced garlic in an exceedingly bowl.
toss the steak with aminos coconut and minced
Marinate jerky from 2-24 hours in icebox.
If mistreatment alternate spices, equally coat beef with spices and permit to ‘rest’ within the icebox up to twenty four hours.
Heat kitchen appliance to a hundred and seventy degrees.
If mistreatment associate degree kitchen appliance in situ of a dehydrator, got wind of racks over cookie sheets lined with tin foil (for easier cleanup).
Put slices of beef on the shelves, add salt and pepper if desired, and place racks in kitchen appliance.
Cook at a hundred and seventy for 3-4 hours.
Thinly sliced meat can take less time, thicker meat can take longer. Closely monitor meat to make sure it doesn’t dry out an excessive amount of.

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